After clicking on a link, there will be a brief pause before the page transition occurs, once

I've been looking for solutions to similar problems, but none of them have worked for me.

Here's my issue: I have a few links in the header of my website (such as about, portfolio, etc.) and I have a JavaScript animation that triggers when an <a> element is clicked. However, the page transitions too quickly for the animation to be visible. How can I delay the page transition for a few seconds until the animation is complete? Here's an example: Can anyone help me figure out how to pause the transition until the animation finishes?

Answer №1

Using the preventDefault method can halt the automatic redirection, allowing you to modify the window.location after a specific animation event like complete.

$("a").click(function(e) {
    var href = $(this).attr('href');
    $(".header").slideUp("slow", function(){
      window.location = href; 

Check out the Updated CodePen here

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