Adjusting webpage zoom based on different screen sizes

Hey there, I ran into an issue with my web page design. It looks great on my desktop monitors, but when I checked it on my laptop, things went haywire. Strangely, adjusting the zoom to 67% seemed to fix the problem. Both screens have a resolution of 1920 x 1080, but my desktop monitor is larger than the one on my laptop. I thought about using CSS to adjust the zoom, but that would mess up the display on my PC. So I'm curious if there's a way to change the zoom based on screen size using JavaScript or CSS.

Answer №1

Consider utilizing media queries within your CSS to adjust the design based on the screen size. Create styles that are best suited for bigger screens such as desktops, and alternate styles for smaller screens like laptops.

Answer №2

To enable this functionality using JavaScript, you will need to add the viewport meta tag to your HTML code.

if (document.body.clientWidth < /*screen width pixels*/) {
  viewport = document.querySelector("meta[name=viewport]");
  viewport.setAttribute('content', 'width=device-width, initial-scale=0.67, user-scalable=0');

You can experiment with different values for the properties below to find what works best for your website.

The initial-scale property determines the starting zoom level (can be set between 10% and 1000% or 0.1 and 10.0).

The user-scalable=0 attribute restricts users from zooming in on the page.

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