Adjusting the transparency of the background without altering its colors

I need help figuring out how to merge custom palettes I've created such as this one, which resulted in a .css and .less file.

While I want to retain the colors, I also require certain elements' backgrounds to be transparent. To achieve this, I created a main.css file that applies transparency using:

background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

The issue now is that it alters the color specified in the generated .css/.less files.

I attempted to adjust only the opacity with:

opacity: 0.5

However, this impacted the text instead.

Is there a way to adjust just the background opacity without affecting the color and text?

Answer №1

While adjusting the opacity of an object to make it more transparent, its color will also shift and appear brighter. An effective way to work around this is by first selecting the color in a software like Photoshop, then modifying the layer's opacity. Finally, tweak the color accordingly to achieve the desired hue.

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