Adjusting the height of the navigation bar on mobile devices with Bootstrap

I've customized my navigation bar in Bootstrap by increasing the height to 80px when the width is more than 768px. However, I noticed that on mobile devices, the height reverts back to 50px. Can someone guide me on how to adjust the height and center the menu icon based on the new height?

Here's the CSS code snippet I used to change the height:

.navbar {
    min-height:80px !important;

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

Update the values of @navbar-height and @navbar-padding-vertical

for further information, check out this link

Answer №2

Have you given this a shot?

.navigation {
    min-height:50px !important;

@media (min-width: 768px) {
    .navigation {
        min-height:80px !important;

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