Adjusting the height of a jQuery Mobile collapsible post-expansion

My jQuery collapsible is not resizing properly to fit the expanded content. Below is an example of the collapsible structure:

<div class="row collapsibles" data-role="collapsible">
    <h1>Supercategory A</h1>
    <div class="col-xs-7 txt">A1</div><div class="col-xs-5"><button class="btn">Go</button></div>
    <div class="col-xs-7 txt">A2</div><div class="col-xs-5"><button class="btn">Go</button></div>

To see the issue, you can visit: After expanding the collapsible, notice that the rounded corner at the bottom is misaligned.

I have attempted to set the height property and adjust the outer div's content, but I only managed to fix it temporarily by adding br tags. What is the correct way to address this issue?

Answer №1

When the content has a style of float: left but its parent does not, it can lead to issues with understanding the child's height.

Visit this JSFiddle link for an example.

<div class="collapsibles col-sm-12" data-role="collapsible">
   <h1>Supercategory A</h1>
     <div class="row">
       <div class="col-xs-7 txt">A1</div><div class="col-xs-5"><button class="btn">Go</button></div>
       <div class="col-xs-7 txt">A2</div><div class="col-xs-5"><button class="btn">Go</button></div>

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