Adjusting a JavaScript variable based on media breakpoints using Vue.js

I have a div element below that changes its content based on the value of the variable 'fullSideBar', either true or false. Currently, this value is modified with a button click.

My question is whether it is possible to change the value of 'fullSideBar' when the screen width reaches a certain point. For example: @media screen and (max-width: 768px) { this.fullSideBar = false}.

Here is the code snippet:

        alt="Left arrow icon" 
        class="pe-auto icon-SideBar" 
        @click="fullSideBar = !fullSideBar"
        alt="Right arrow icon" 
        class="pe-auto icon-SideBar" 
        @click="fullSideBar = !fullSideBar"
import FooterSideBarVue from './FooterSideBar.vue';
export default {
    name: 'BodyScrolling',
    components: {
    data (){
        return {
            footerItems: [
                , 'Documentation'
                , 'Contact'
            fullSideBar: false,

Is there a way to achieve this behavior?

Answer №1

If you want to determine in JavaScript whether the window matches a specific media query, you can utilize the window.matchMedia function.

if (window.matchMedia("(max-width: 768px)").matches) {
   this.fullSideBar = false;

To respond to changes in window size, you can set up an event listener using

window.addEventListener("resize", myListener);

function updateFullSideBar(evt) {
  // You can check the innerWidth property or also use window.matchMedia here
  this.fullSideBar = evt.view.innerWidth < 768

window.addEventListener("resize", updateFullSideBar);

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