Adjusting a column within a CSS table

middle += "<tr class='tRow'>"
               + "<td>"
                  + "<a href='" + output.get(i).get("itemURL") + "'>"
                  + gallery 
                  + "</a>"
               + "</td>"
               + "<td class='title'>"
                  + "<a href='" + output.get(i).get("itemURL") + "'>"
                  + ""+ (output.get(i).get("title")).replaceAll("\"","\'\'")+"" // replaces quatations into '

                  + "</a>"
               + "</td>"

The title column, marked with the class name 'title', should have its width decreased by applying a style sheet rule. It's important that only this specific column is affected, not others in the table. The CSS code to achieve this is:


However, when applying this CSS rule, all columns are being impacted rather than just the targeted one. Some columns may already have different widths not specified by the CSS. I attempted using inline styles as well but encountered the same issue. What could be causing this problem? Thanks for your help.

Additional details: private String getBeginning(int tableNumber) {

      return "<html><head><title>"+ (tableNumber - 1)+"</title>"

          + "</head><body>"
          + "<table id='example' class='tablesorter' cellpadding='3' >" // border='1' cellpadding='1' cellspacing='2'
          + "<thead>"
                 + "<tr class='tHead'>"
                       + "<th/>"
                       + "<th>Title</th>"
                       + "<th>Total Price</th>"
                       + "<th>Currency</th>"
                       + "<th>Condition</th>"
                       + "<th>Location</th>"
                       + "<th>End Time</th>"
                       + "<th>Map</th>"
                + "</tr>"
          + "</thead>"
          + "<tbody>";

       middle += "<tr class='tRow'>"
               + "<td>"
                  + "<a href='" + output.get(i).get("itemURL") + "'>"
                  + gallery 
                  + "</a>"
               + "</td>"
               + "<td class='title'>"
                  + "<a href='" + output.get(i).get("itemURL") + "'>"
                  + ""+ (output.get(i).get("title")).replaceAll("\"","\'\'")+"" // replaces quatations into '

                  + "</a>"
               + "</td>"
               + "<td>"
                  + ""+output.get(i).get("total") +""
               + "</td>"
               + "<td>"
                  + ""+output.get(i).get("currency")+""
               + "</td>"
               + "<td>"
                  + ""+condition+""
               + "</td>"
               + "<td>"
                  + ""+output.get(i).get("location")+""
               + "</td>"
               + "<td>"
                  + ""+output.get(i).get("endTime").split("T")[0]+""
               + "</td>"
               + "<td>"
               + "<a href='" + getMap(location, postCode, "0") + "'>"
               + "<img src='" + getMap(location, postCode, "1") + "'> "
               + "</td>"
               + "</tr>";

String end ="";

I am currently testing this web app on Firefox 3.6.11 and have not tried it on other browsers yet.

Answer №1

One thing to remember is that when using percentage values for table widths, they are based on the available space within the table itself, not the entire page or containing div. Consider using an absolute value like 200 instead. Also, if you have already set a specific width for the table, adding another width value can complicate things and affect how the table is displayed.

It's important to consider the overall context of your code and whether there are existing width settings on the table. Setting a width for one column in a table with a fixed width may cause other columns to adjust their widths to accommodate, leading to unexpected results. In these cases, it may be best to allow the browser to determine the column sizes dynamically or set each column width precisely for desired appearance.

To learn more about this topic, refer to the HTML specification.

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