Context: (summarized)
<div style="width:300px;" >
<img src="blabla..." />
<div style="oveflow:hidden; etc..." >
The challenge arises when the description is too long and gets cut off due to "overflow:hidden;" property. To resolve this, a CSS animation triggers on hover, shifting the description by "margin-left:-200px;", enabling users to view the complete text gradually.
However, adjusting the margin left by -200px is not always sufficient or can even be excessive depending on the length of the description.
Possible Solutions:
My website operates without JavaScript, hence I prefer a JS-free approach. While there are various JS solutions available online, I aim to tackle this issue purely with CSS.
This method is outdated.
Alternative Approaches:
One idea involves implementing PHP code to calculate the length of the description dynamically and set the margin-left accordingly. However, this may lead to a convoluted PHP file bypassing the simplicity of using CSS stylesheets. Are there any CSS3 techniques that address this issue? Despite encountering similar challenges among designers, no definitive solution has been found through CSS3 features. Is this limitation within the scope of CSS language?
Thank you.
PS: The description should strictly occupy 1 line. No line breaks, scrollbars, or "show more" buttons permitted.