Adjust the wrapper width to fit its content size

My current setup looks like this:

<div id="wrapper">
    <div class="column1"></div>
    <div class="column3"></div>
    <div class="column2"></div>
#wrapper {

Each of the "column" elements has a distinct width and is styled with float: left. Collectively, the 3 columns are x pixels wide; however, if I were to add another column, I want the wrapper itself to adjust its width accordingly.

Therefore, I am looking for a way to dynamically calculate and set the width of the wrapper based on the total width of the contained columns using JavaScript.

Answer №1

$("#container").width(function() {
    var totalWidth = 0;
    $(this).children('[class^="col"]').each(function() {
        totalWidth += $(this).width();
    return totalWidth;

Answer №2

Avoid implementing floats, opt for display:inline-block instead (View Demo)

Answer №3

let totalWidth = 0;
$("#wrapper > div").each(function(idx) {
  totalWidth += $(this).outerWidth();

Answer №4

Check out this fiddle:

let totalHeight = 0;
$("section#container > div").each(function(idx) {
    totalHeight += parseInt($(this).outerHeight(true), 10);


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