Adjust the width of the table after refreshing it for 10 seconds when resizing the column?

I am facing an issue with a page that refreshes every 10 seconds and has a resizable column feature.

However, after the page refresh, the table header (th) reverts back to its original position.

The main question is how to obtain the width of a specific th after resizing it and then apply that width only to that th so that the user can see the resized th after the table refreshes.

Which jQuery event can be used to get the width of a th when it is resized, and what method can be used to apply this width only to that particular th without affecting others?

div {
  resize: horizontal;
  overflow: auto;

td {
  text-align: center;
<div id="banner-message">
  <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0>


Answer №1

The challenge you may face is not having access to user-defined widths. Upon landing on a page, whether by refreshing or initial entry, default values are what you're left with.

To address this issue, one effective method is to include parameters in the URL. This allows you to subsequently retrieve these values from the URL and utilize them for setting the width. Alternatively, utilizing localStorage or sessionStorage can also be beneficial. However, keep in mind that passing set widths via a URL is not feasible with this approach. Don't forget to update the values once a change has been detected.

Answer №2

Received the solution

Inserted a new div element inside th


1. To adjust column size

$("#thead_DispatchTrip th").resizable({
        handles: "e",
        resize: function (event, ui) {

2. For obtaining width

tableWidth = [];
    $("#thead_DispatchTrip th").each(function () {

3. For setting width after 10 seconds

$("#thead_DispatchTrip th").each(function (i,el) {

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