Adjust the width of the inline textarea using HTML and CSS to match that of the input field

Is it possible to create an inline textarea element using CSS that is selectable but still seamlessly integrated into a sentence without specifying the number of columns? Here's an example with a static number of characters (cols="11"):

<p>To run nload for your device run <textarea readonly cols="11">nload p3p1</textarea> in your terminal.</p>

The accompanying CSS looks like this:

textarea {
    display: inline;
    resize: none;

Is there a way to achieve this dynamically, so each textarea appears inline and seamlessly within a paragraph without needing to specify the number of columns in the CSS? If CSS doesn't provide a solution, can it be done through pure JavaScript?

Answer №1

To determine the width of the input text, you should render the text and calculate its width based on that rendering.

One method is to copy the text into a hidden span element and evaluate its width with the following code snippet:

jQuery('input').on('input', function()
    var $this = jQuery(this);

    // Create a widthSpan if it doesn't already exist.
    document.$widthSpan = document.$widthSpan || jQuery('<span style="display: none" />').appendTo(document.body);

    $this.css('width', document.$widthSpan.width() + 5);

You can test the functionality with this interactive example:

Keep in mind that this is just a demonstration that updates as soon as the input content changes. You may need to make adjustments based on your specific implementation and requirements.

Answer №2

Incorporate JavaScript to dynamically adjust the width of your textarea based on the number of characters present within it.


<p>For device load monitoring, input <textarea class="tx" readonly>nload p3p1</textarea> into your terminal.</p>

<p>Similarly, you can utilize this pattern by entering a query in <textarea class="tx" readonly>your textarea where you type numerous lines of text. </textarea>Even after adding additional content, it will seamlessly blend with your existing text.</p>



textarea {
    white-space: nowrap;


        //Width of a character:
        var chars = 8;
        //Calculate total characters in textarea:
        var txLength = $(this).val().length;
        //Compute required width:
        var txWidth = chars * txLength;
        //Adjust the width:

The process involves handling each textarea individually. By having a predefined font-family and knowing the average character width, you are able to estimate the appropriate width for your textarea using jQuery's .css() function.

Here, the variable chars stores the average character width value. By multiplying the number of characters by this average width, you can determine the suitable width for the textarea and apply it via CSS using jQuery.

Check out the working example here:

Limitations: Not responsive, but responsiveness can be achieved using @media-queries

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