Adjust the transparency of the other tab as I hover over the current tab

My latest project involves creating a dropdown menu. I want to make it so that when I hover over a tab, the opacity of the other tabs in the menu changes, except for the current tab.

For example, when I hover over the Home Tab, the state of the Home tab and list item remains unchanged (yellow color, opacity=1), while the other tabs (Tutorial, Article, Inspiration) change (grey color, opacity=0.5).


Answer №1

If you're trying to select all siblings except for the one currently being hovered over in a menu, you won't find a direct sibling selector for that. However, you can achieve this using the :not selector.

nav > ul:hover li:not(:hover) {

Check out the JSFiddle Demo here!

Answer №2

Here is an example of how you can achieve a similar effect: Check it out here.

nav ul li {
    background-color: yellow;   

nav ul li:first-of-type { 

nav ul li:last-of-type { 

nav > ul li:hover{
nav > ul li:not(:hover){

Don't forget to include relevant code in your question for the benefit of others as well.

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