Adjust the size of an element in response to changes in the size of

I've implemented a jQuery function to resize an element dynamically based on window size changes:

$(window).resize(function() {
  topHeight = $("#top").height();
  height = $(window).height() - 210;

The variable topHeight captures the latest height of the top bar, which is subject to change.

However, I'm struggling to find a solution to automatically resize #container whenever #top's height changes. I attempted using

$("#topRow").resize(function() { })
, but it seems that this approach doesn't apply to elements.

Answer №1

It is important to capture every instance when the height of #top changes.

If this occurs during window resizing, you should bind your code to window.resize for it to function correctly.

In case there are other events that trigger a change in the height of #top, make sure to include your logic there as well.

Update: You mentioned in the comments about a multiple selection field affecting the height of the #topRow element, which represents another event where you can incorporate your logic.

Note: Another approach would be to use a setInterval function that periodically monitors the size of #topRow and adjusts the size of #container accordingly, although I personally do not recommend this solution.

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