Adjust the quantity of images shown in the Flex Slider carousel

My website includes a flex slider with a carousel, but it seems that I did not configure the properties of the slider correctly (or it could be a CSS issue) as shown here: . The last image in the carousel is only partially visible.

While I am able to click on it, ideally I would like it to look like this: , with next/previous buttons always visible and displaying 4 full images. The 5th image should be on the next slide.

Below is the HTML code:

<div class="slider">
    <div class="flexslider" id="slider">
    <ul class="slides">
        <li><img src="image1.jpg" /></li>
        <li><img src="image2.jpg" /></li>
        <li><img src="image3.jpg" /></li>
        <li><img src="image4.jpg" /></li>
        <li><img src="image5.jpg" /></li>
    <div class="flexslider" id="carousel">
    <ul class="slides">
        <li><img src="image1.jpg" /></li>
        <li><img src="image2.jpg" /></li>
        <li><img src="image3.jpg" /></li>
        <li><img src="image4.jpg" /></li>
        <li><img src="image5.jpg" /></li>

The jQuery code used is:

$('.flexslider').each(function() {
                var $root = $(this);

                // Remove item if no image is found
                    var src = $(this).find("img").attr("src");
                    animation: "slide",
                    controlNav: false,
                    animationLoop: false,
                    slideshow: false,
                    itemWidth: 91,
                    itemMargin: 19,  
                    asNavFor: '#slider',
                    minItems: 4

                    animation: "slide",
                    controlNav: false,
                    animationLoop: false,
                    slideshow: false,
                    sync: "#carousel"


I have created a demo page for reference:

Any suggestions? Cheers.

Answer №1

Your carousel arrows are going out of bounds and the image is being cut off because you are overwriting the flexslider css. A little background on flexslider => itemwd refers to the width of the li element, not the image itself. Itemmargin is the margin set by the user in the css and should be considered when sliding. So, if your image is 91px wide and the margin for each side of the li is set to 10px, then the itemwd should be 91+10+10=111. Make sure to set these values in screen.css

#carousel .flex-viewport img {width:91px;}
#carousel .flex-viewport li{
margin:1px 5px 1px 5px;
/*these margins are the ones mentioned in itemMargin in the js*/

If you want the arrows to show outside the carousel, remove the overflow hidden property. @screen.css

#carousel.flexslider {
height: 65px; 
/*overflow:hidden;*/ /*remove this to display arrows next/prev*/

And you are already doing these...

#carousel .flex-direction-nav .flex-prev { left: 0 !important; opacity: 1 !important; 
margin-left:-30px; } /*this 30 px represents the width of next/prev*/

#carousel .flex-direction-nav .flex-next { right: 0 !important;  
opacity: 1 !important; margin-right:-30px;} /*this 30 px represents the width of next/prev*/

Make these changes at the JS level...

animation: "slide",
controlNav: false,
animationLoop: false,
slideshow: false,
itemWidth: 111,
itemMargin: 10,  
asNavFor: '#slider'                    

See working demonstration

Answer №2

Are you aware of the dimensions of the container element containing the thumbnails? If so, you can easily fix the width of the thumbnails accordingly.

For example, if the container for the thumbnails is 600px wide,

  thumbnailWidth: 150,
  thumbnailMargin: 10,

this setup will ensure that only four complete thumbnails are displayed at a time.

Answer №3

Setting the width of the navigation bar:

Using CSS

 #slider .flex-next, #slider .flex-prev{
 #carousel .flex-viewport{
    margin: 0 40px;

Here is an example of the implementation:

Additionally, in the JavaScript section

  itemWidth: 99,
  itemMargin: 19,

Calculation to determine the size:Parent Element = 472px Therefore Thumbnail's = (width: 99 + margin = 19px) * 4(number of thumbnails to display) = 472px.

If you wish to position the arrows inside the thumbnail div - follow these instructions:

The example provided may not include margins. However, the concept should be clear. Please note that images may not be evenly divided and the flexslider may not be responsive. There are other carousel options available that may better suit your needs without extensive customization required. You have the option to customize it further if needed by analyzing your specific code. Please ensure all thumbnails are of equal size for consistency.

Answer №4

Given that the width of your slider div is 472px, these are the settings you should use:

   animation: "slide",
   controlNav: false,
   animationLoop: false,
   slideshow: false,
   itemWidth: 91, 
   itemMargin: 29,  //adjust this value to 29px for your case
   asNavFor: '#slid2r',
   minItems: 4

If your itemWidth is set to 91, then the itemMargin should be 29px in order to display only four thumbnails with the fifth one appearing on the next slide.

To achieve this in CSS, utilize the following:
#carousel .flex-viewport li{ margin-right:29px; }

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