I am working on an HTML5 webpage and I am facing an alignment issue with the selection box.
The selection box is currently not aligned with the text ("Select Discipline") that comes before it.
I am looking for a way to adjust the position of the selection box so that its center aligns with the text above it.
<div class="row">
<div class="px-3">
<div class="d-sm-flex align-items-xl-stretch justify-content-between mb-4">
<h1 class="h4 mb-0 text-gray-800"> Select Discipline:     </h1>
<div id="discipline_div">
<select name="discipline" id="discipline">
<option value="All Disciplines" selected disabled hidden>--Select--</option>
<option value="All Disciplines" name="discipline_name_all">All Disciplines</option>
{% for discipline in query_results %}
<option value="{{ discipline.name }}" name="discipline_name">{{ discipline.name }}</option>
{% endfor %}
<button class="button4" type="button" onclick="delete_button_clicked()" id="delete_button">✖</button></div>
<button class="button3" type="button" id="add_more">Add Discipline</button><p>
$("p").before("             <div class='field' id="+ current_id + "> <select name=" + current_id + ">\n" +
" <option value=\"All Disciplines\" selected disabled hidden>--Select--</option>\n" +
" <option value=\"All Disciplines\" name=\"discipline_name_all2\">All Disciplines</option>\n" +
" {% for discipline in query_results %}\n" +
" <option value=\"{{ discipline.name }}\" name=\"discipline_name2\">{{ discipline.name }}</option>\n" +
" {% endfor %}\n" +
" </select>  \n" +
" <button class=\"button4\" type=\"button\" onclick=\"delete_button_clicked2(this.id)\" id="+ current_id + ">✖</button></div><br><br>          ");
My goal is to create consistent spacing between all the lines of text on the page.
Currently, there is a larger gap between the first and second line compared to the others, causing an alignment issue with the selection box on the first line.