Adjust the placement of image when changing the size of the window

Is there a way to prevent an image with a fixed position from covering up page content when the browser window is resized?

<div >
  <img id="img1" class="wrapperImage"></img>

 <style type="text/css">
   position : fixed;

Answer №1

   .wrapperImage {
       position : absolute;
       width: 75%;

Utilizing percentage values for sizes can enhance the adaptability of your responsive design.


Answer №2

To create a visually appealing layout, it is important to establish a central div with the CSS property position:relative. Within this central div, place your image using position:absolute, allowing you to control its placement within the layout. By utilizing the z-index property, you can adjust the priority of elements displayed on top of each other. To ensure that your image takes precedence, set its z-index value to 10.

Answer №3

Consider incorporating z-index:-1; into your stylesheet to resolve the issue.

Answer №4

If you want your image to stay in the same spot even as you resize the window, you can achieve this by using relative positioning on the parent tag and absolute positioning on the child tag.

By setting the parent tag to have relative positioning and the child tag to have absolute positioning, the position of the image will not change when the window is resized.

<div id="container">
  <img id="image" class="imageWrapper"></img>

 <style type="text/css">
      position: relative; 

     position: absolute;
     z-index: -1; // Adjust the value based on whether you want the image above or below the container
     top: 100px;
     right: 100px; 
     width: 200px;
     height: 100px;

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