Adjust the placement of a certain portion of an image based on a given parameter

If I have a PNG image like the one below

In my HTML, I receive a specific rating value (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5) from Ruby. Depending on this value, I want to display a corresponding row of the PNG image.

I am considering assigning a particular class based on the rating value and then defining that class to focus on a specific section of the PNG image with CSS positioning. However, I am unsure if this is the best approach.

For example, if I have:

<span id='rating'> 3 </span> 

I was thinking of implementing something like this:

<span id='rating' class='rating_3'> <img ..></img></span>

Where the rating_3 class would be defined to display the row corresponding to three bright stars in the image.

How can I achieve this?

Thank you

Answer №1

Utilizing a spritesheet involves defining an element of the appropriate dimensions and setting the sheet as a background image. The background-position property is then utilized to adjust the sheet in order to display the desired image.

Therefore, in your particular scenario, you would simply calculate the height of each row times the rating and apply that as the position.

Answer №2

One way to implement the specific rating value from Ruby in HTML5 is by using the data-* attribute, as shown in the rendered html below:

<span class='rating' data-rating='3.5'></span>

To dynamically set the appropriate image background position from a png sprite file, you can utilize a combination of javascript/jQuery. First, define the css properties for the selector .rating to incorporate the sprite image. For instance, if you prefer to use big stars from the sprite, assign an ID to the parent container:

#rateBig .rating  {
 background-image: url('images/rating.png'); 
 background-repeat: no-repeat;
 width: 84px; 
 height: 16px;
 display: block; 

Note the values for width: 84px; and height: 16px; correspond to the size of a big star stripe.

Assuming your HTML structure matches the defined CSS:

<ul id="rateBig">
 <li>This line is rated 3.5 stars<br /><span class='rating' data-rating='3.5'></span></li>

The following JavaScript code sets the backgroundPosition based on the data-* attribute value for the big stars:

var dataRating, bkPos;

function getRateImageBig(dataRating){
 // Define background position for each rating
    case 1:   bkPos =  "0 -19px";  return bkPos; break;
    case 1.5: bkPos =  "0 -38px";  return bkPos; break;
    // Other cases omitted for brevity

$(document).ready(function() {
 $("#rateBig .rating").each(function(i){
  var selector = $(this);
  dataRating ="rating"); 
  selector.css({"backgroundPosition": bkPos});

This approach can also be applied for small stars. Additionally, tools like spritecow online tool can assist in determining correct background positions for sprites.

View the DEMO HERE

Answer №3

You can find a helpful guide on using CSS sprites at Alist Apart's website here

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