Adjust the look of text by changing the font style and size for various languages without relying on the html lang tag

I have posts that contain both English and Korean text within the same lines, for example:

This is an example (예시).

I frequently switch between the two languages.

Now, I want to use different fonts and font sizes for each language.

My usual way of accomplishing this is by using specific CSS blocks with lang(en) and lang(ko) tags in my HTML content like:

<p lang="en">This is an example (<span lang="ko">예시</span>)</p>

However, since I plan on writing my posts in Markdown and mixing the two languages frequently, I would like to minimize the need for such detailed HTML specifications.

I am aware that in CSS, if a font specified does not support a particular language, it automatically moves to the next one in priority. With this in mind, I wonder if there is a way to leverage this feature to change font sizes based on the language?

If you know of any other methods to achieve this, please share!

(I'm also curious if it's possible to use JavaScript to detect the font being used and adjust the font size accordingly only for the "Some Korean Font"?)

Answer №1

In my opinion, trying to find a JavaScript method to detect the language may not be worth the added complexity it brings and could result in unnecessary overhead on your website. It would be better to address this issue proactively.

Instead of relying on such methods, why not compose your content using a text editor first?

For example, type out your text like this (@@@example@@@).

You can then easily replace @@@ with <span lang="en"> and @@@ with </span>, allowing you to work with Markdown efficiently.

Depending on the nature of your content, you might even discover a quicker character combination to signify specific languages, such as:

This is an illustration (%%example%).

Choose a unique and convenient character sequence for your needs.

Whether you choose manual search and replace for less frequent posts or automate the process through scripts for more regular updates, finding a workaround that suits your workflow will save time and effort in the long run. You could even set up a task to trigger the script whenever files in a designated directory are modified.

Answer №2

One of the new features introduced in HTML5 is the addition of a special attribute called


<tagHTML id="myid" data-var_name="value" data-lang="en" ...> 

This means that you can include multiple instances of data-lang="en" in your code, resulting in the creation of a dataset. This dataset acts as an array that allows you to easily access and manipulate the data like this:

var article = document.getElementById('myid');

article.dataset.var_name// "value"
article.dataset.lang // "en"

Answer №3

If you have specific criteria to meet, my suggestion would be to incorporate the Korean text and include your font-family font-size spans using a pre-processor technique invoked within $

such as,

$(function() {

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