Adjust the jQuery.ScrollTo plugin to smoothly scroll an element to the middle of the page both vertically and horizontally, or towards the center as much as possible

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Have you noticed that when scrolling to an element positioned to the left of your current scroll position, only half of the element is visible?

It would be ideal if the entire element could be visible and even centered on the page, right?

After reviewing the source code, it's not immediately clear how the plugin determines when to stop scrolling.

I'm aware of the offset setting that can adjust the final scroll position vertically, but since the size and position of the element may vary, I'd rather find a universal solution that takes into account the size and position of the element being scrolled to, automatically centering it.

Answer №1

I decided to create a simple and efficient code implementation from the ground up. The approach is tailored for situations where the element needing scrolling is directly nested within the scrollable container. This solution is effective even in a CSS transform-scale environment, as it does not rely on $.position()

  function scrollIntoView($target) {
    var $parent = $target.parent(),
        top = parseInt($target.css('top')),
        left = parseInt($target.css('left')),
        height = $target.height(),
        width = $target.width(),
        bottom = top + height,
        right = left + width,
        xCenter = left + width / 2,
        yCenter = top + height / 2,
        sWidth = $parent[0].scrollWidth,
        sheight = $parent[0].scrollHeight,
        pWidth = $parent.width(),
        pHeight = $parent.height(),
        destLeft, destTop; // the destination values for scroll left and top of the parent

    // if element does not overfow on an axis, scroll to zero for that axis;
    destTop = bottom < pHeight ? 0 : bottom - pHeight / 2 - height / 4;
    destLeft = right < pWidth ? 0 : right - pWidth / 2 - width / 4;

    $parent.animate({ scrollLeft: destLeft, scrollTop: destTop }, 600);

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