Adjust the JavaScript variable upon pressing the "c" key

I'm trying to figure out how I can toggle the value of variable x in JavaScript when the key "c" is pressed. Specifically, I want x to change from 0 to 1 when "c" is pressed and revert back to 0 when it's released. I have already defined and named the variable as x.

let x = 0;

Answer №1

Set up two event listeners on the document, one for keydown and another for keyup.

Keep in mind that the keydown event will trigger repeatedly. So, when you switch the value of variable x to 1, make sure to remove the event listener to prevent multiple executions. You can add back the listener when x is changed to 0.

let x = 0

const toggle = ({ code, type }) => {
  if (code === "KeyC") { // check for the "c" key
    x ^= 1 // toggle `x`
    console.log(type, "set x to", x)
    return true // return a flag so we know when x is modified

const keydownHandler = e => {
  if (toggle(e)) {
    // remove the event listener to avoid repeats
    document.removeEventListener("keydown", keydownHandler)

document.addEventListener("keydown", keydownHandler)

document.addEventListener("keyup", e => {
  if (toggle(e)) {
    document.addEventListener("keydown", keydownHandler)

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