Adjust the height of an element using CSS based on the height of another

Is there a way to have two divs per row, where the second div always displays its full content and the height of the first div matches the height of the second div? If the content in the first div exceeds the height, it should be scrollable. I've attempted to set the height using javascript but it seems inefficient as the content can change. Is there a CSS solution for this effect?

Here is my code snippet:

        <script src=""></script>
            .firstElementClass, .secondElementClass{
                width: 30%;
                text-align: center;
                background: red;
                overflow: auto;
                background: yellow;
                margin-top: 20px;
                padding: 20px;

        <div class="rowClass">
            <div class="firstElementClass">11aa<br>11aa<br>11aa<br>11aa<br>11aa<br>11aa</div>
            <div class="secondElementClass">11bb<br>11bb<br>11bb<br>11bb</div>
        <div class="rowClass">
            <div class="firstElementClass">AA</div>
            <div class="secondElementClass">22bb<br>22bb<br></div>
        <div class="rowClass">
            <div class="firstElementClass">AA</div>
            <div class="secondElementClass">33bb<br>33bb<br>33bb<br>33bb</div>
        <div class="rowClass">
            <div class="firstElementClass">AA</div>
            <div class="secondElementClass">44bb<br>44bb<br>44bb</div>



Answer №1

Instead of using the float property, consider implementing a tabular layout like CSS Grid or utilizing display: table.

By adopting this approach, you can ensure that all divs in a row have consistent heights based on the tallest div. To fine-tune the alignment with the last div, apply position: absolute to the contents of the first div, allowing it to occupy remaining space after other elements are positioned (observe the additional .cellValue divs inside .firstElementClass in the given example).

.myTable {
    display: table;
    border-spacing: 20px;
    width: 60%;
.rowClass {
    display: table-row;
.secondElementClass {
    display: table-cell;

.firstElementClass {
    position: relative;
    width: 50%;
    background: red;
.firstElementClass .cellValue {
    position: absolute;
    overflow: auto;

.secondElementClass {
    background: yellow;
<div class="myTable">
    <div class="rowClass">
        <div class="firstElementClass">
            <div class="cellValue">11aa<br>11aa<br>11aa<br>11aa<br>11aa<br>11aa</div>
        <div class="secondElementClass">
            <div class="cellValue">11bb<br>11bb<br>11bb<br>11bb</div>
    <div class="rowClass">
        <div class="firstElementClass">
            <div class="cellValue">AA</div>
        <div class="secondElementClass">
            <div class="cellValue">22bb<br>22bb<br></div>
    <div class="rowClass">
        <div class="firstElementClass">
            <div class="cellValue">AA</div>
        <div class="secondElementClass">
            <div class="cellValue">33bb<br>33bb<br>33bb<br>33bb</div>
    <div class="rowClass">
        <div class="firstElementClass">
            <div class="cellValue">AA</div>
        <div class="secondElementClass">
            <div class="cellValue">44bb<br>44bb<br>44bb</div>

Answer №2

Using the power of flexbox, it is possible to make two divs have equal heights.

.firstEl, .secondEl{

If this solution does not meet your needs, please feel free to leave a comment below.

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