adjust the height of a division; center-align the text within a nested span

I'm facing an issue where the text inside the grid-cart-message or messages-cart-view sections is not centered properly when I assign a height to either of them. The text gets cut off within the div, leading to alignment problems. Any suggestions on how to fix this? Thank you.

.grid-cart-message {
    background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #05b1eb;
    overflow: hidden;

.grid-cart-message #messages-cart-view .error-msg span, .grid-cart-message #messages-cart-view .success-msg span {
    color: #fff;
    display: block;
    float: left;
    font-weight: bold;
    margin: 1em 0 1em 1em;
    text-shadow: 0 -0.1em #666;
.grid-cart-message #messages-cart-view {
    float: left;
    margin: 0 1%;
    width: 98%;
<div class = "grid-cart-message">
<div class="grid-max">
<div id="messages-cart-view">
<ul class="messages">
<li class="success-msg">
<span>Here is some text that is dynamically assigned.</span>

Answer №1

give this a shot

adding margin caused the issue you're experiencing

.grid-cart-message {
        background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #05b1eb;
        overflow: hidden;
    .grid-cart-message #messages-cart-view .error-msg span, .grid-cart-message #messages-cart-view .success-msg span {
        color: #fff;
        display: block;
        float: left;
        font-weight: bold;
        text-shadow: 0 -0.1em #666;
    .grid-cart-message #messages-cart-view {
        float: left;
        margin: 0 1%;
        width: 98%;
    <div class = "grid-cart-message">
    <div class="grid-max">
    <div id="messages-cart-view">
    <ul class="messages">
    <li class="success-msg">
    <span>This text is dynamically assigned.</span>

Answer №2

For centering text, you can use the following CSS:

.grid-cart-message {
  background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #05b1eb;
  overflow: hidden;
.grid-cart-message #messages-cart-view .error-msg span, .grid-cart-message #messages-cart-view .success-msg span {
  color: #fff;
  display: block;
  font-weight: bold;
  text-shadow: 0 -0.1em #666;
.grid-cart-message #messages-cart-view {
  float: left;
  margin: 0 1%;
  width: 98%;
.list {
  text-align: center;
 <div class = "grid-cart-message">
    <div class="grid-max">
    <div id="messages-cart-view">
    <ul class="messages">
    <li class="success-msg">
    <li class="list">
    <span>Here is some dynamically assigned text.</span>

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