Adjust the height for just one md-tab

Looking to find a way to set the height of the content within an <md-tab> element to be 100% in a flexible manner. For example, consider the following structure:

          <md-tab label="Tab A">
            <div> I want this div to fill the available space. </div>
          <md-tab label="Tab 2">
            <div> I want this div to fit its content perfectly. </div>

The desired effect can currently be achieved with the CSS rule:

md-tab-content#tab-content-0 div[md-tabs-template]{
    height: 100%

However, this solution is not modular, as adding another tab before "Tab A" would affect the new tab instead. Is there a way to achieve this without creating a new directive and solely through HTML and CSS editing?

UPDATE: Recently discovered that sass can be used, so feel free to implement it if necessary.

Browse the images below to see the desired layout - the red line indicates the active tab and the blue background represents the area occupied by the div within the body of the html:

To further illustrate, check out this codepen created by tweaking an angular material demo: My attempt to use parent selectors proved unsuccessful due to being deprecated in most browsers, hence it's not included.

Answer №1

Is the label going to remain unchanged? If that's the case, I believe you can try

[label="Second Tab"] div{
  height: 100%;

Answer №2

It seems like your goal is to exclusively style the initial tab with a height of 100%, while allowing all other tabs to default to auto, which is likely inherited from the parent element:

.md-tabs .md-tab:first-child {
    height: 100%

While I can't confirm if these selectors directly correspond to your specific HTML structure, using ":first-child" should convey the concept effectively.

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