Adjust the field's color depending on the outcome displayed within

I'm trying to implement a feature where the field value changes to green when "OK" is selected and red when "NOK" is chosen. I have written the following JavaScript code but it's not working as expected - the colors change before clicking submit, but after submission, the field color reverts back to white.

    if(document.getElementById('janadd').value == 'NOK') {
      document.getElementById('janadd').style.background-color = "red";
    else if (document.getElementById('janadd').value == 'OK') {
      document.getElementById('janadd').style.background-color = "green"; 
    else if(document.getElementById('janadd').value == 'Partial'){
     document.getElementById('janadd').style.background-color = "yellow"; }

Answer №1

It is recommended to utilize backgroundColor instead of background-color as the latter is not a recognized attribute within the style object.

Answer №2

    var color = $('#janadd').attr("value");

    if( color == 'NOK') {
      $('#janadd').css("background-color", "red");
    else if (color == 'OK') {
        $('#janadd').css("background-color", "green"); 
    else if(color == 'Partial'){
               $('#janadd').css("background-color", "yellow");
<script src=""></script>

<div id="janadd" value="Partial">Yellow Color</div>

this is a snippet using jQuery:

    var colorValue = $('#janadd').attr("value");
    if( colorValue == 'NOK') {
      $('#janadd').css("background-color", "red");
    else if (colorValue == 'OK') {
        $('#janadd').css("background-color", "green"); 
    else if(colorValue == 'Partial'){
               $('#janadd').css("background-color", "yellow");

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