Adjust the dimensions of the main svg while keeping the proportions of all elements contained within

Is there a way to adjust the size of the outermost svg while keeping the size of the elements inside the svg unchanged?

I've searched online but couldn't find a solution to this specific issue.

To provide context and avoid the x-y problem, let me explain my scenario.

I have a div with overflow-y: scroll property. This allows me to scroll within the div when the outermost svg (a direct child of the div) exceeds the div dimensions.

Initially, the svg has width and height attributes set to 100%.

When necessary, I scale the svg vertically (increasing the viewport) and when it exceeds the div dimensions, a scrollbar appears.

The challenge is that the content inside the svg scales along with the svg, which I want to avoid.

I considered using a viewBox and updating it as the svg scales, but since I didn't have a viewBox to begin with, that approach wasn't feasible.

My attempt to use a viewBox to address the issue was unsuccessful, as it affected other svg elements as well. Here is my original svg without the viewBox attribute:

And here is the same svg with the viewBox attribute:

The top svg shown above is not related to the bottom svg in any way, yet it was affected by the change in the viewBox of the lower svg:

Answer №1

The issue here lies in the fact that all elements inside the SVG are relative to the SVG itself. This means that when the SVG is scaled, the content inside it gets scaled as well. If you want to prevent this content scaling, you need to take some specific steps.

In order to prevent content scaling, you must ensure that the aspect ratio of the viewBox remains the same as the aspect ratio of the SVG viewport.

For example, if you scale your SVG to width="200" and height="600" (resulting in an aspect ratio of 1:3), then the viewBox should also have the same aspect ratio. This means setting it to viewBox="0 0 200 600" or viewBox="0 0 100 300", and so on.

If these steps don't solve the issue, it would be helpful if you could provide a sample of the page so that we can better understand what you are trying to achieve.

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