Adjust the color of the font icon within a button when hovering over it

On the bottom of my website (still in development) , there are 3 buttons with an arrow icon preceding the text. The arrow is created using an icon font and I would like it to change color (along with the button text) when hovered over.

Any suggestions on how to accomplish this?

This is the HTML code:

<a class="footerbutton"><span class="footerlist">X</span>Request a Quote</a>

This is the CSS for button:hover:

a:hover.footerbutton {
background-color: #B61618;
color: #ddd;
border: none;
text-decoration: none;

And this is the CSS for the footerlist span class when hovered over:

.footerlist:hover {
color: #ddd;

Answer №1

To easily change the color of the icon within the button when hovered over, you can target it using the following CSS code:

.hoverButton:hover .icon {
   color: #888;

Answer №2

Here's a solution that should function as intended:

a:hover.footerbutton:hover .footerlist {
    color: #ddd;

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