Adjust the color of text as you scroll

Could you provide guidance on changing the color of fixed texts in specific sections of my portfolio website? Unfortunately, I can't share my lengthy code here, but would greatly appreciate it if you could illustrate with examples. Here's a reference site () that demonstrates text color change while scrolling - I want to implement something similar :)

P.S. Kindly advise using JavaScript, thanks!

I've tried searching for solutions, but haven't found anything satisfactory yet :(

<!doctype html>
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    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no">

    <section class="section-top active" id="s1">
        <div class="details">
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                    <div class="nav-btn" id="nav-icon1" onclick="document.getElementById('nav-icon1').classList.toggle('open')">
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                            <a class="hide1-btn">My Shelf</a>
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            <div class="first-info">
                <div class="first-sec">
                    <h1>Frontend</br> Developer.</h1>
                    <h3 class="profession-info">I like to craft solid and scalable frontend products with great user experiences.</h3>
                <img class="my-img" src="/b/images/Screenshot 2022-11-04 at 19.35.20.png">

            <div class="some-info">
                <div class="a1">
                    <span>Highly skilled at progressive
                enhancement, design systems &
                UI Engineering.
                    <span>Over a decade of experience
                building products for clients
                across several countries.

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Answer №1

If you're looking to track visibility and make changes based on it, consider using an intersection observer. This handy tool allows you to monitor a target element and trigger actions when it enters or exits the viewport.

I've put together a simple demo showcasing this functionality. In this example, we're observing 'section two' - changing its text color to purple when it's in view, and reverting back to black when it's out of sight.

const title = document.querySelector('.topbar__title');
const sectionOne = document.querySelector('.section--one');
const sectionTwo = document.querySelector('.section--two');

const observer = new IntersectionObserver((entry, observer) => {
  entry[0].isIntersecting > 0 ? = sectionTwo.getAttribute('data-color') : = sectionOne.getAttribute('data-color')

* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  box-sizing: border-box;

.topbar {
  position: fixed;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;
  padding: 1rem;
  width: 100%;
  background-color: white;

.section {
  height: 150vh;
  width: 100%;
  display: flex;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;

.section--one {
  background-color: white;

.section--two {
  background-color: rgb(255 0 0 / 5%);
<div class="topbar">
  <h1 class="topbar__title">Title</h1>

<section class="section section--one" data-color="black">
  <h2>Section One</h2>

<section class="section section--two" data-color="purple">
  <h2>Section Two</h2>

You can expand on this by monitoring multiple sections or applying class changes instead of directly altering styles with JavaScript. Remember, this is just a basic illustration...

For more detailed insights about Intersection Observers, check out MDN's guide

Answer №2

Click this link to view the code: Visit Code

    <title>Javascript Scroll Background Change</title>

    <div id="stage1">
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer mollis, lectus ac efficitur congue, urna enim tincidunt metus, eget mattis purus nibh non tellus.
        <p>Additional content here...</p>
        <p>More content goes here...</p>
        <p>Extra details...</p>
        <p>And more...</p>

    <div id="stage2">
            Sed pretium orci vel neque vestibulum, et sagittis mi accumsan. Aliquam eu consequat justo. Cras elementum vehicula libero at gravida.
        <p>Additional content here...</p>
        <p>More content goes here...</p>
        <p>Extra details...</p>
        <p>And more...</p>

    <div id="stage3">
            Morbi sapien ex, fermentum eu condimentum quis, accumsan in erat. Duis pellentesque magna ac magna ultricies malesuada.
        <p>Additional content here...</p>
        <p>More content goes here...</p>
        <p>Extra details...</p>
        <p>And more...</p>

    <div id="stage4">
            Nullam dapibus mauris at odio pulvinar tempus. Fusce vitae varius nisl. Ut tempor risus a diam porttitor molestie.
        <p>Additional content here...</p>
        <p>More content goes here...</p>
        <p>Extra details...</p>
        <p>And more...</p>

    <div id="stage5">
            In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Ut blandit eros velit, id ornare nunc interdum sed. Donec nec cursus purus, non facilisis dui.
        <p>Additional content here...</p>
        <p>More content goes here...</p>
        <p>Extra details...</p>
        <p>And more...</p>


        function changeBackground(color) {
   = color;

        // changeBackground("#000");

        var position1 = $("#stage1").offset();
        var position2 = $("#stage2").offset();
        var position3 = $("#stage3").offset();
        var position4 = $("#stage4").offset();
        var position5 = $("#stage5").offset();

        $(window).scroll(function (event) {
            var scroll = $(window).scrollTop();
            // Do something


            if (scroll == 0) {
            else if (scroll > position1['top'] && scroll <= position2['top']) {
            else if (scroll > position2['top'] && scroll <= position3['top']) {
            else if (scroll > position3['top'] && scroll <= position4['top']) {
            else if (scroll > position4['top'] && scroll <= position5['top']) {
            else if (scroll > position5['top']) {

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