Adjust the appearance of input fields that exclusively have the value "1"

When designing my website, I encountered a problem with the style I chose where the number "1" looks like a large "I" or a small "L."

I am wondering if there is a way to use JavaScript to dynamically change the font style for input fields that only contain the number "1" without having to modify all forms on the site. (I already utilize jQuery extensively on this site)

Alternatively, could this be achieved with CSS3?

Answer №1

My comment "Are you planning for the style to switch back and forth as the value changes?" was meant to emphasize how awkward such an approach would be, but if that's what you want, then okay.

First and foremost, ensure that the style is applied once on DOMReady and then every time there's an input change.

$(function() { 

Next, make sure setInputStyle includes the correct conditional check. Are you targeting all inputs containing the number 1, or only those with precisely the value of 1? Consider one of these options:

  • If it contains:

    var inputValue1 = this.value.indexOf('1') >= 0;
  • If it matches exactly:

    var inputValue1 = this.value == '1';
  • Alternatively, if it should contain only ones:

    var inputValue1 = /^1+$/.test(this.value);

Whichever condition you choose, implement it in your function like this:

function setInputStyle() {
    var inputValue1 = this.value == '1'; // adjust as necessary
    $(this).toggleClass('input-value-1', inputValue1);

Ensure you have a CSS class named input-value-1 to override default styles.

.input-value-1 { font-family: verdana; }

Check out the Demo

Answer №2

Modify the font style for every input box consistently. Avoid having variations in different fields as it may appear awkward.

Answer №3

    if($(this).val() == '1'){



Answer №4

If my understanding is correct, the request is to change the font every time the value of the input field contains the number 1.

This solution will apply for both "1" and "abc de 1 fg"



Check out the working example:

To target only the exact value 1, just remove the * in the selector.



To enable real-time font change as you type, use the following function which reverts back to normal state when necessary.


<input type="text" name="test1" value="1" />
<input type="text" name="test2" value="2" />
<input type="text" name="test3" value="3" />
<input type="text" name="test4" value="abc 1 def" />


.different {


$('input').on('keyup',function() {
    if($(this).val().indexOf('1') != -1) {
        if(!$(this).hasClass('different')) {
    } else {

See it in action on fiddle

Answer №5

Utilizing the value filter can be beneficial:


Answer №6

Give this a shot

$('input:password [value="2"]').prop('color','red')

Answer №7

By adding the code snippet below to your webpage's footer, you can customize the appearance of all input fields and monitor them for any modifications. If an input field contains the number 1, a class called someclass will be assigned to that specific element. If the number 1 is removed from the input field, the class will also be removed.

function onCharacter1Detected() {
  var field = $(this),
      className = "someclass",
      hasChar1 = field.val().indexOf(1) > 1;
  if(hasChar1) { 
  } else {

// Apply changes to all current input fields on the page

// Monitor for any input changes
$("input").bind("input", onCharacter1Detected);

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