Adjust the appearance of elements depending on whether the user has activated dark mode or

What is the most efficient way to implement both dark and light themes in my Vue app? One option is to create a 'dark.scss' file and use the '!important' property to override styles defined in components. Another option is to utilize props in components and dynamically change classNames using 'v-if' based on the theme. For example, set the class to 'className__light' when the theme is light and 'className__dark' otherwise. Which approach would be more optimal in terms of performance and implementation time?

Answer №1

Instead of using classes, I prefer to create CSS variables using SCSS or by defining them in the :root element.

If you choose to use the :root method, it would look something like this:

:root {
   --background: red;

You can then access this variable in any component like so:

.class {
   background: var(--background); // the background will be red

Changing the background color is now as simple as modifying one CSS variable.

To update the variable with JavaScript, you can do the following:'--background', "green");

The only downside is that this approach is not supported in Internet Explorer. To account for this, you can implement a fallback solution:

.class {
   background: red; //fallback
   background: var(--background); // the background will be red

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