Adjust the appearance of an element based on user selection from a dropdown menu under certain circumstances

I am working on creating a dropdown menu using a JavaScript array. My goal is to display a specific span element when certain options are selected.

For instance, I want the span to be shown only when options "a" and "c" are selected, but not when option "b" is chosen.

var city = ["a","b","c"];

// Populate city dropdown
var select_city = document.getElementById("city");

for(var i = 0; i < city.length; i++) {
    let opt = city[i];
    let el = document.createElement("option");
    el.textContent = opt;
    el.value = opt;

// Show output
var output = document.getElementById("output");

select_city.onchange = function() { = (this.value == city.value && this.value == !"b") ? "block":"none";
#output {
    display: none;
<select name="city" id="city">
    <option value="-">- Choose city -</option>

<span id="output"></span>

Why isn't this code functioning as intended? What adjustments should I make for it to work properly?

Answer №1

The logic for this comparison seems a bit flawed:

this.value == city.value && this.value == !"b"

Since city is an array, there is no direct city.value. It would be more accurate to check if the array includes the value of this.value:


Moreover, using !"b" doesn't convey a clear meaning. To verify if something is not equal to a certain value, it's better to use the != (or !==) operator:

this.value != "b"

Therefore, the revised logic should be:

city.includes(this.value) && this.value != "b"

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