Adding CSS styles to an HTML page using JavaScript

Unfortunately, I do not have the ability to access the HTML directly as it is generated dynamically by a program. However, I do have access to the JS page that is linked to it.

As an example, I am able to manipulate elements using JavaScript like so:

        var output = document.getElementById('main_co');
        var i=1;
        var val="";

        {  if(!document.getElementById('timedrpact01'+i))
                var ele = document.createElement("div");  ele.setAttribute("id","timedrpact01"+i);

                ele.innerHTML=" Hi there!" ;


I want to build upon this and add a button that can toggle between different CSS sets (there are multiple files being used) located in another path.

Thank you very much!

Answer №1

To include external stylesheets on a webpage, you can use the link element like this:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

You can target the link element by using the following JavaScript code:

var css = document.getElementsByTagName("link")[0];

In this example, we are selecting the first link element based on its index [0].

Afterwards, if you need to update the path of the stylesheet, you can do so by changing the value of the href attribute.

css.setAttribute("href", "");

Answer №2

    var result = document.getElementById('main_content');
    var counter=1;
    var value="";
    var changeStyles = function() {
      var elements = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
      for(var j=0; j < elements.length; j++)
         elements[j].href = elements[j].href.replace('path_to_file', '_new_path');

      if(!document.getElementById('timedrpact01'+counter)) {
        var elem = document.createElement("div");  elem.setAttribute("id","timedrpact01"+counter);
        elem.innerHTML=" Greetings!" ;
        var btn = document.createElement('button');

        if(btn.addEventListener) {
          btn.addEventListener('click', changeStyles);
        else { 
          btn.attachEvent('click', changeStyles);


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