Adding a CSS class dynamically to a table cell in the backend using

Currently, the layout of my table looks like this:

   <td> Field1 </td>
   <td> Field2 </td>
   <td> Field3 </td>
   <td> Field4 </td>
   <td> Field5 </td>

   <td> anothefield1 </td>
   <td> anothefield2 </td>
   <td> anothefield3 </td>
   <td> anothefield1 </td>
   <td> anothefield1 </td>

I want to dynamically add a CSS class in every td per column. It should look like this:

   <td class = '1'> Field1 </td>
   <td class = '2'> Field2 </td>
   <td class = '3'> Field3 </td>
   <td class = '4'> Field4 </td>
   <td class = '5'> Field5 </td>

   <td class = '1'> anothefield1 </td>
   <td class = '2'> anothefield2 </td>
   <td class = '3'> anothefield3 </td>
   <td class = '4'> anothefield4 </td>
   <td class = '5'> anothefield5 </td>

This pattern should continue for each row.

To achieve this layout, I have written some code so far:

Dim dv As New DataView(ds.Tables(0))
Dim dvfilter As DataTable = dv.ToTable(True, {"date"})
Dim dt2 As New DataTable
For Each dtrow As DataRow In dvfilter.Rows

dv.RowFilter = "Total_Load < Potential_Load"
dt2 = dv.ToTable(False, "Field1", "Field2", "Field3", "Field4", "Field5"})

Dim builder As New StringBuilder
    builder.Append("<!DOCTYPE html><html>")
    builder.Append("<div class = 'email-section'>") 
    builder.Append("<table id = 'email' class='emai_table'>")
 For Each row As DataRow In dt2.Rows
    For Each col As DataColumn In dt2.Columns
         builder.Append("<td>" & row(col).ToString + " " & "</td>")

Your assistance on how to implement this would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

To enhance the functionality of your code, consider introducing a new counter within the primary For loop and manipulate its value accordingly inside the nested For loop.

For Each row As DataRow In dt2.Rows
    Dim i as Integer
    i = 1
    For Each col As DataColumn In dt2.Columns
         builder.Append("<td class=""" & i & """>" & row(col).ToString + " " & "</td>")
         i = i + 1

Although my VB skills are a bit rusty, this should give you an idea of how to approach it in your project.

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