Adding a class to an element can be easily achieved when both input fields have values

Is it possible to apply the "active" class to the element go_back_right only when both inputs with classes search_box_name and search_box_id have content in them? I've tried looking for solutions on this platform, but being new to JavaScript, I couldn't find a suitable answer. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

.go_back_right:active {
  background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.05);
  animation: status 4s ease forwards;
<div class="search_box_container">
  <input class="search_box_name" id="search_bar username" for="username" name="username" type="text">
  <input class="search_box_id" id="search_bar roomNamehtml" name="room" type="text">

Answer №1

Here is a jQuery code snippet that demonstrates setting an event for adding or removing a class:

$(document).ready(function () {
function setEvents() {
    $('.search_box_container').on('change', function () {
        var $this = $(this),
            search_box_name = $this.find('.search_box_name').val().trim(),
            search_box_id = $this.find('.search_box_id').val().trim();
        if (search_box_name && search_box_id) {
        } else {

Answer №2

It appears that you are looking to assign an additional class to the element identified by the class .go_back_right. If that is the case, you can include the following in your JS file:

const searchBoxName = document.getElementByClassName('search_box_name');
const searchBoxId = document.getElementByClassName('search_box_id');
const goBackRight = document.getElementByClassName('.go_back_right');

const addClass = () => {
  if (searchBoxName && searchBoxName.value && searchBoxId && searchBoxId.value) {


For more information, you can refer to this, this, and this. Additionally, please note that having multiple elements with the same id like the search_bar id on both your inputs is not recommended.

Answer №3

function checkInputs() {
  if (document.querySelector(".search_box_name").value !== "" && document.querySelector(".search_box_id").value !== "") {
  } else {
.go_back_right:active {
  background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.05);
  animation: status 4s ease forwards;
<div class="search_box_container">
  <input oninput="checkInputs()" class="search_box_name" id="search_bar username" for="username" name="username" type="text">
  <input oninput="checkInputs()" class="search_box_id" id="search_bar roomNamehtml" name="room" type="text">

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