add the current item in front of the last one

My goal is to determine if an element is the last one in the container div by checking the length of the next element with the class .item. If this next element exists, it means that I am not currently at the end of the container div.

if($(this).next('.item').length < 1) {
  console.log('element is last');

If the element is indeed the last one, I want to reposition it by inserting it before the previous .item, making it the second-to-last element instead.

I have explored using .insertBefore(), but I am unsure about which specific "before" element to target.

Answer №1

Utilize the :last selector to access the final element within a matched set. You can then manipulate its position using insertBefore() and prev() functions as needed. Give this code snippet a try:

let $final = $('.item:last');

Check out this unique example in action!

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