Add distinct margins to the initial and final elements that are not related

In my HTML, I have a certain type of box with a margin: 10px; applied to all of them. These boxes are displayed in a row on the page using Bootstrap, and I'm trying to figure out how to remove the left margin from the first element and the right margin from the last element. The challenge is that the elements are not siblings and do not have a common parent. Here's an example of the HTML structure:

<div class='container'>
  <div class='col-md-2'>
    <div class='MY-CUSTOM-BOX'>
  <div class='col-md-5'>
    <div class='MY-CUSTOM-BOX'>
  <div class='col-md-5'>
    <div class='MY-CUSTOM-BOX'>

While :first-of-type applies to all boxes, there's uncertainty about how to approach :first-child because of the nested divs. Any suggestions on how to tackle this issue?

Answer №1

If you're looking to achieve this, consider using a combination of css selectors like the >, :first-child, and :last-child

:first-child > .MY-CUSTOM-BOX {
  margin-left: 0;

:last-child > .MY-CUSTOM-BOX {
  margin-right: 0;

This approach targets direct descendants of first and last child elements containing MY-CUSTOM-BOX. It works well when boxes are at the same level within their parent structure (e.g., container -> div -> MY-CUSTOM-BOX).

You could also reverse the order for potentially better outcomes depending on your nesting levels:

.container > :first-child .MY-CUSTOM-BOX {
  margin-left: 0;

.container > :last-child .MY-CUSTOM-BOX {
  margin-right: 0;

In this scenario, the first and last children of container will have any nested MY-CUSTOM-BOX elements with zero margins.

See a demonstration of both methods here:

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