Add a new element to the page with a smooth fade-in animation using jQuery

var content = "<div id='blah'>Hello stuff here</div>"


Unfortunately, the desired effect is not achieved with this code.

I am trying to create a sleek animation when adding new content.

Please note: only the newly added "blah" div should have a fading effect, not the entire section of "mycontent".

Answer №1

Using jQuery, the HTML element is hidden, then appended to the #mycontent and faded in over a 1000ms duration.

Answer №2

Providing additional details:

jQuery utilizes the concept of "method chaining", allowing multiple method calls to be chained together on the same element. In the initial scenario:


The fadeIn function would be applied to the object that is the target of the method chain, specifically the #mycontent element. This might not yield the desired outcome.

In the excellent answer by @icktoofay, you can find:


This sequence entails creating the html, initially hiding it, then appending it to #mycontent, and finally fading it in. Here, the main focus of the method chain shifts to html rather than #mycontent.

Answer №3

This method is effective as well


Best regards

Answer №4

When using the fadeIn method to transition from hide to show, it is important to remember to initially hide the "html" element before appending it and then show it after.

const htmlContent = "<div id='content'>Example content here</div>"

  return htmlContent.hide();


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