Adaptable backdrop picture within a full-width container

Currently experiencing an issue with my website that requires some assistance.

When a user visits my site, the image of the 'cutlery pouch' will resize based on the size of the user's browser or monitor. However, some users are seeing the background of the image instead of the main focus, the pouch.

Is there a way to fix this so that the image resizes using 100% width and a fixed height?

Here is a link to my website where you can see the problem: A link to my website

Thank you in advance for any assistance.

Answer №1

Opt for

background-position: 0 22%;

experiment with

background-position: center 22%;

Consider adjusting the image to ensure the pouch is centered more effectively.

Answer №2

To ensure proper positioning, consider centering the pouch within the image and utilizing background-position: center;

Additionally, since your image is square and the container is rectangular, adjusting the image's aspect ratio to match that of the container may also assist in achieving correct positioning.

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