Activating text wrapping functionality

My current project involves converting HTML to PDF using jsPDF. In order to ensure that every word appears in the exact location as it does in the original HTML, I decided to wrap each word in <span> tags. Specifically, I have a font tag (not added by my code) that contains several nested span elements:


Despite these efforts, after implementing this strategy, I noticed that it seems to disrupt the default word wrapping behavior, as demonstrated here.

I am seeking advice on how to rectify this issue and restore the desired word wrapping functionality. Can anyone provide guidance on how to achieve this?

Answer №1

The reason for this behavior is due to the default display being set to inline. However, if you change it to inline-block, it will wrap as expected:

Take a look at this example on jsfiddle

To achieve this, simply adjust the CSS like so:


If desired, you can create a new class (e.g. wordWrapSpan) rather than altering the default behavior of span.

Answer №2

Another option available is:

Add this style for word wrapping: word-wrap: break-word;

    word-wrap: break-word;
Take a look at this example on Fiddle

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