Activate hover effect on toggle button

When I hover over the "CHANGE" button, the orange color appears as expected. Clicking the button once turns the color red but removes the hover color, which is fine. However, clicking it twice brings back the original blue color but the hover effect is missing. Is there a way to have the hover color disappear on the first click and reappear on the second click, just like at the beginning?

var someFunction = {};

function changeColor() {
        var button = document.getElementById('mute1').style.backgroundColor;
        var color = ''; = !;
        someFunction["one"] =;
        someFunction["two"] =;
        if (button !== 'red') {
            color = 'red';
            document.getElementById('mute1').style.backgroundColor = color;
            document.getElementById('mute1').style.color = "#fff";
        } else if (button === 'red') {
            color = '#2c475c';
            document.getElementById('mute1').style.backgroundColor = color;
            document.getElementById('mute1').style.color = "#fff";
   = !;
            someFunction[this.function] =;
#mute1 {    
  padding: 25px 50px;
    background: #2c475c;
    color: #fff;

#mute1:hover {  
  background: orange;
<button id="mute1" onclick="changeColor();">CHANGE</button>

Answer №1

The issue lies in the fact that the hover effect changes color through a class, while the click event modifies the inline style, which takes precedence. Upon inspecting with browser dev tools, you will notice that the element acquires an inline background style after the first click.

If you wish to ensure that the hover always results in an orange background color, you have a few options:

  • Stick to altering the inline style on click but also incorporate an event listener for mouseover using JavaScript to change the background to orange.

  • Utilize classes for all updates.

This code snippet eliminates the hover class and introduces event listeners for mouseenter, mouseout, and click actions on the button.

A global color variable is employed so it can be used in the mouseout event to revert back to the previous color (either red or gray).

The provided code is quite basic and ideally should be transformed into proper JS functions with addEventListeners rather than relying on inline onclick attributes.

let color = '#2c475c';
var someFunction = {};

function hovered() {}

function changeColor() {
  var button = document.getElementById('mute1').style.backgroundColor;
  /*var */
  color = ''; = !;
  someFunction["one"] =;
  someFunction["two"] =;
  if (button !== 'red') {
    color = 'red';
    document.getElementById('mute1').style.backgroundColor = color;
    document.getElementById('mute1').style.color = "#fff";
  } else if (button === 'red') {
    color = '#2c475c';
    document.getElementById('mute1').style.backgroundColor = color;
    document.getElementById('mute1').style.color = "#fff"; = !;
    someFunction[this.function] =;
#mute1 {
  padding: 25px 50px;
  background-color: #2c475c;
  color: #fff;
  border-radius: 5px;
<button id="mute1" onclick="changeColor();" onmouseenter=" = 'orange';" onmouseout=" = color;">CHANGE</button >

Answer №2

Delete the semi-colon from the onclick attribute:

<button id="mute1" onclick="changeColor()">CHANGE</button>

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