Activate dropdown menu link when tapped twice on tablet devices

I am trying to implement a dropdown navigation link feature on tablets where the child menu div drops down only on the second click. This functionality already works on iPads, but on Android and Windows tablets, the link is triggered at the same time as the dropdown occurs.

Here is the code I am currently using:

jQuery("ul.menuTop > li a.students" ).mouseenter(function( event ){
    jQuery("#studentsMenu" ).fadeIn();
    jQuery("#facultyMenu" ).hide();
    jQuery("#staffMenu" ).hide();
    jQuery("#alumniMenu" ).hide();
    jQuery("#aboutMenu" ).hide(); 

jQuery(".menuWrapper" ).mouseleave(function (){
    jQuery("#studentsMenu" ).hide();

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

Answer №1

Successfully came up with a resolution.

         var isMobile = navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone|iPad|Android|BlackBerry)/);
         var link = jQuery("ul.menuTop > li a.students")

         if (isMobile) {
             jQuery(link).one("click", function (ev) {


             if (jQuery("#studentsMenu").is(":visible")) {

                 jQuery(link).click(function (ev) {

                     ev.window.location = "/students";



Encountering issues on Windows Tablet IE despite including "Windows" in the userAgent match. Seeking suggestions for a fix on that particular problem.

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