Achieving maximum height in Tabs with react-bootstrap

Utilizing React Bootstrap, I have a full screen Modal with Tabs in its body. Within one of these Tabs, I aim to create a Lexical Editor that fills 100% of the width and height of the modal body with some margin.

This is a simplified version of my code:

From the tabs

<Tabs defaultActiveKey="description" className="mt-3">
    <Tab className="text-center m-5 h-100" eventKey="description" title={t("exposition.description")}>
                <TextEditor t={t} />

From the text editor

<LexicalComposer initialConfig={initialConfig} className="h-100">
                contentEditable={<ContentEditable className="h-100" />}
                    <div className="h-100">{t("editor.placeholder")}</div>

The source code can be found here.

I attempted setting everything to h-100, but it was ineffective. Subsequently, I experimented with adding CSS3 to .tab-pane and .tab-content, yet determining the correct percentage for the height proved challenging due to device variability, making it non-responsive. I also explored the solution provided in this related question.

Answer №1

The "h-100" class in Bootstrap can be used to adjust the height of an element to 100% of its parent's height. This means that if you set a wrapper's height to, for example, 20rem and apply the "h-100" class to its children, those children will inherit a height of 20rem as well. It is worth mentioning that this class only affects the direct child elements and not their descendants down the hierarchy. Therefore, remember to apply the "h-100" class to each level of children as necessary. In this particular scenario, make sure to also add the "h-100" class to the TextEditor component.

Answer №2

When I initially attempted to style it with this specific CSS class, it failed to function as intended:

.tab-content {
    height: calc(100% - 6rem);

It appears that there was an h-100 in the placeholder, resulting in two instances of h-100 being used. This essentially meant I was utilizing 200% of the height, leading to overflow on the page.

I anticipate that this question and answer exchange will prove beneficial to someone out there.

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