Achieving compatibility with IE7 for utilizing "before:" and "after:" pseudo-elements along with the "box-sizing:border

My website is constructed with twitter bootstrap 3 and functions perfectly on all browsers except for IE7.

IE7 seems unable to interpret pseudo classes like before:, after:, and box-sizing: border-box.

Is there a solution to make IE7 understand this code?

Answer №1

IE7.js has been designed to assist with various properties as listed below:

Property    Comments    Test
background-attachment   support fixed positioning   html
background-image    PNG alpha transparency (IE5.5+) html
bottom  height implied if top is supplied   html
cursor  support pointer for IE5.x   html
display convert list-item to block for IE5.x    
font-size   fix named font sizes (IE5.x)    html
margin  support auto (IE5.x)    html
max-height      html
max-width       html
min-height  implemented for IE5 html
min-width       html
overflow    support overflow:visible    html
position    support fixed positioning   html
right   width implied if left is supplied   html

IE8.js, on the other hand, provides support for the following features:

Selector    Comments    Test
::after     html
::before        html
:active     html
:focus      html
:lang()     html
CSS Properties

Property    Comments    Test
border-spacing  HTML tables only    html
box-sizing  content-box (assumed)   html
content Supports the use of attr() and url()    html
property: inherit   Support for inherited property values   html

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