"Accessing and updating the current navigation state using jQuery/ajax when clicked

Currently, I'm working on a website project where I am using a jquery/ajax script to dynamically pull in content from another page with a fade effect when clicking on a tab in the navigation menu. You can check out the effect on the page here. Only the Home and Experience RGW pages are live at the moment. For this project, I followed a tutorial from CSS Tricks called Dynamic Page / Replacing Content.

Initially, everything was going smoothly with the page transition effect. However, I encountered an issue with changing the active state of my navigation once I introduced the jquery/ajax dynamic page transition.

Prior to this transition, I used a PHP script to determine the current document name and apply the "on" class if it matched. Here is the code snippet for naming the page:

<?php $thisPage="home"; ?>

The following code then finds the name and applies the "on" class to the corresponding navigation item:

<li<?php if ($thisPage=="home") 
    echo " class=\"on\""; ?> class="highlt">
    <a href="index.php" class="home"><span>Home</span></a>

After implementing the jquery/ajax dynamic page transition, I realized that since the navigation div was outside of the content loading dynamically for each page (within the "ajax" div), the current navigation state didn't change as expected.

One challenge I faced was that the PHP call to set the current page name was in the header section, which did not refresh when navigating between pages with content loading within the "ajax" div. This resulted in the navigation always reflecting the original index.php state.

I believe a jQuery script triggered on-click of the navigation tab could solve this issue by adding or removing the "on" class for the selected state. While I am still relatively new to jQuery, any guidance on creating such a script would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help!

Answer №1

To change the window.location property, you can use this code snippet:

window.location.href = 'https://www.example.com#example'
It may require some additional coding to ensure that any previous hash is removed before adding the new one, but it's a relatively straightforward task.

Answer №2

Entering this territory can be risky. Your goal seems to be achieving a Facebook-style global navigation without page reloads.

If that's the case, you're only scratching the surface with your current issue. Browser history and bookmarks may not function as intended, requiring fixes for various browsers.

To achieve your objective, consider using URL hashtags (like index.php#page-contact) to load contact.php in an ajax div and apply the active css class to the contact tab. This approach is necessary if you want to simulate browser history.

If user experience, accessibility, and other important factors are not a concern, a simple jQuery script can add the class to the clicked element:

$(document).ready(function() {

$('#menu li').click(function(){

    $('#menu li').each(function(){



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