Access in-depth data by clicking on a map to get detailed information

Recently, I took on the challenge of managing a golf club website after the original creator had to step away. One urgent issue I need to address is fixing a malfunctioning flash animation that provides information about each hole on the course. My plan is to redo it in JavaScript, although it has been quite some time since I've worked with this language and time is of the essence. That's why I'm reaching out here for assistance.

Here are the requirements:

  1. The entire golf course map must be visible
  2. Users should be able to click on different holes on the map
  3. Clicking on a hole should display a detailed image, description, and sponsor advertisement for that specific hole
  4. (Optional) The advertisement should appear with a flying-in animation to capture the user's attention

Answer №1

For some reason, I initially thought I was in the Google Maps section. Here is my new and improved answer:

The quickest way to achieve this is by creating an image map using a tool like . Instead of directing to a URL when clicked, utilize an overlay with something like thickbox.

The original response suggested placing a polygon over each hole and adding a click handler to display additional information.

Check out this polygon creator here:

For more details on Google Maps polygons, refer to the documentation at

If you require further assistance with mapping, feel free to reach out via email.

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