A single image with dual clickable areas managed by an interactive image map

Is there a way to attach two href links to one image using CSS? I want it to function like an old school image map, but purely with CSS. Is this something that can be done?

The current HTML code looks like the example below. However, I need the image to have two different URLs depending on where the user hovers their mouse.

<div id="logo-wide">
<a href="http://myurl1"><img src="BIG-Logo_FINAL.png" alt="url-name1"></a>
<a href="http://myurl2"><img src="BIG-Logo_FINAL.png" alt="url-name2"></a>


Answer №1

In order to accomplish this task, you must consider one of the following:

  1. Implementing an image map
  2. Dividing the image into two halves and linking each half separately
  3. Overlaying two absolutely positioned links on the images using z-index (although this method is considered unprofessional and unattractive)

It is recommended to go with either option 1 or 2.

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