A method for generating CSS code from the structure of an HTML document

I am currently working on developing a recursive function that takes an HTML document tree and generates formatted CSS using only child operators (>), but I seem to be stuck. If you could provide some hints or ideas, I would greatly appreciate it.

The main concept is to transform something like this:

               /       \
             div        div
            /   \    /   \  \
           h1   p   p    ul  div
                        / \
                       li  li 


    div > h1
    div > p
    div > p
    div > ul
        div > ul > li
        div > ul > li
    div > div

Alternatively, in string format:

"div\n\t div > h1\n\tdiv > p\n\tdiv > p\n\tdiv > ul\n\t\tdiv > ul > li\n\t\tdiv > ul > li\n\tdiv > div"

I already have a method for retrieving the 'body' and its corresponding tree structure. The necessary functions are part of an object named XMLNode:

  1. getChildNode(int k): returns the XMLNode object representing the kth child. Returns a special object if none exists.
  2. isEmpty().
  3. getName(): retrieves the node name as a string-like object that can be converted into a string.

My current approach involves calling:

std::cout << tree2CSS(bodyNode);

where the tree2CSS function is defined as follows:

std::string tree2CSS(XMLNode & rootNode, unsigned depth = 0)
    int i = 1;
    XMLNode childNode = rootNode.getChildNode(i);
    std::string accumCSS;
    while (!childNode.isEmpty())
        std::string tabs(depth, '\t');
        accumCSS.append("\n" + tabs);
        if (depth > 0) accumCSS.append(" > ");
        accumCSS.append((std::string)childNode.getName() + tree2CSS(childNode, depth + 1));
        childNode = rootNode.getChildNode(++i);
    return accumCSS;

Unfortunately, this implementation seems to be failing, and I cannot pinpoint the issue. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Answer №1

If you're looking to display the complete ancestry information for each item, it's important to keep track of all parents, not just the depth.

One approach could be handling the printing outside the loop and using the loop solely to traverse through the children.

Consider this alternative code snippet:

std::string tree2CSS_(XMLNode& rootNode, std::vector<std::string>& pred)
    std::string accumCSS(pred.size(), '\t');
    std::string name = rootNode.getName();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < pred.size(); ++i) {
        accumCSS += pred[i] + " > ";
    accumCSS += name + "\n";

    size_t i = 0;
    XMLNode& childNode = rootNode.getChildNode(i);

    while (!childNode.isEmpty()) {
        accumCSS.append(tree2CSS_(childNode, pred));
        childNode = rootNode.getChildNode(++i);

    return accumCSS;

std::string tree2CSS(XMLNode& rootNode)
    std::vector<std::string> pred;
    return tree2CSS_(rootNode, pred);

In this version, a vector of preceding strings is used to store the ancestor nodes, with its size representing the recursion depth. The code is split into two parts: a front-end function providing the vector and the recursive implementation.

This implementation includes both the parent node and prefixes it to all CSS statements. To exclude the top-most node, iterate over the children of the parent node within the front-end function.

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