A guide to dynamically adjusting the overflow property for the body element within an AngularJS application

I am facing a challenge in my AngularJS application where I need to dynamically control the overflow on the body element. Specifically, when a side nav is opened, I want to disable scrolling on the body. Below is a snippet of my code and I would appreciate any suggestions or hints on how to tackle this issue:


<body ng-controller="backgroundCtrl as background" md-theme="blue-grey" ng-style="{'overflow-y': background.lockBackgroundTrue}">


        this.lockBackgroundFalse = 'auto';
        this.lockBackgroundTrue = 'hidden ';

Any assistance with this matter would be highly valued. If achieving this directly is not feasible, alternative approaches are also welcome. Thank you in advance.

Answer №1

Why not consider adding a touch of style with


A more innovative approach in Angular would involve using


Simply toggle the value of isEnabled with ng-click.

   <button href="#" ng-click="isEnabled=false">Enable scrolling</button>
   <button href="#" ng-click="isEnabled=true">Disable scrolling</button>

Check out the demo here


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