A feature to reveal additional content when it extends beyond a single line

<div class="questionnaire-description col-xs-12" id="questionnaire_description_wrapper">
                    <span ng-class="questionnaire_description.show_more ? 'full-description' : 'ph-ellipsis'" id="questionnaire_description">
                       <span class="ph-caption" ng-bind="questionnaire_details.description"></span>
                <span class="text-center questionnaire-sub-details" ng-if="!questionnaire_description.show_more">
                <span class="ph-caption cursor-pointer" ng-bind="'SEARCH_SHOW_MORE'|translate" ng-click="questionnaire_description.show_more=true" ng-if="!questionnaire_description.show_more"></span>
The show more button with ellipsis will only appear if the text is long enough to require it to be on more than one line. If the text fits into just one line, no ellipsis or show more button will be displayed. In cases where the text is lengthy and requires ellipsis, the show more option will be placed at the end of the first line for user convenience.


Answer №1

To achieve this effect, a combination of a little JavaScript and the CSS property text-overflow can be used.

By applying white-space: nowrap, the text will remain on a single line without wrapping onto multiple lines.

Setting the width to a fixed 200px and using overflow: hidden will truncate the text that exceeds the specified width.

Adding text-overflow: ellipsis will display three dots at the end of the truncated text.

The "Show more"/"Show less" buttons simply toggle between displaying the full text and the truncated version.

var $text = jQuery(".text");
var $button = jQuery(".show-more");

$button.on("click", function(){

        $button.text("Show less");
    } else {
        $button.text("Show more");
.text {
    width: 200px;
    text-overflow: ellipsis;
    white-space: nowrap;
    overflow: hidden;
.text.is-expanded {
    white-space: initial;
    overflow: visible;
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/2.1.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div class="text">
This is very very long text and it is hidden at the end.
This is very very long text and it is hidden at the end. This is very very long text and it is hidden at the end.
This is very very long text and it is hidden at the end.
<button class="show-more">Show more</button>

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