A cookie designed to store and retain the preferred CSS stylesheet choice

I'm looking to create a cookie that will store the preference for a specific CSS stylesheet. I currently have a function in place that allows me to switch between stylesheets:

function swapStylesheet(sheet){

    document.getElementById('pagestyle').setAttribute('href', sheet);


This function is called from buttons like so:

<a button class="Button" onclick="swapStylesheet('DayStyle.css')">Light</a>
<a button class="Button" onclick="swapStylesheet('NightStyle.css')">Dark</a>

However, I've noticed that the href reverts back to the default stylesheet upon refreshing the page. Is there a way to implement a cookie that remembers the preferred stylesheet? And can this cookie be applied site-wide?

Answer №1

If you want to save user preferences for styling on your website, one option is to utilize the localStorage feature in your browser. Cookies are typically used for server-side data reading, but cookies can still be used if desired.

Another alternative is sessionStorage, but keep in mind that the preferred theme will not persist once the tab or browser is closed as sessionStorage does not retain data after the session ends. This could defeat the purpose of remembering a user's preference.

Here's an approach using localStorage:

After the user selects a style, you can implement a function like this:

function swapStylesheet(sheet){
    document.getElementById('pagestyle').setAttribute('href', sheet);
    localStorage.setItem('stylesheet', sheet);

To apply the saved style when the page loads, you can use the

<body onLoad ="checkLS()">

function checkLS () {
    let sheet = localStorage.getItem('stylesheet');
    if (sheet) {

This method ensures that the user's preferred stylesheet/theme is automatically applied even if the browser was closed between visits.

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