A collection of legitimate TypeScript CSS property names, but with hyphens included

I'm working on a component where I need to store an array of valid CSS properties, but the issue is that the properties are stored in camel case format in the CSSStyleDeclaration object. I require the properties in their original hyphenated form, like 'background-color' instead of 'backgroundColor'. Although I am aware of the React.CSSProperties type, it also uses camel-cased properties while allowing for unitless numeric values.

Is there a TypeScript type available to use the original hyphenated CSS property names?

Answer №1

If you're using MUI, emotion, or other popular component libraries, chances are you're already familiar with the csstype library.

This library enables you to make use of the unique hyphen props in your components.

import CSS from "csstype";

interface MyComponentProps {
  cssProperties: (keyof CSS.PropertiesHyphen)[];

const MyComponent = ({ cssProperties }: MyComponentProps) => {

<MyComponent cssProperties={["color", "background-color"]} />;

Answer №2

Try using the Kebab type found here. Any CSS properties written in camel case will automatically be converted into kebab case.

type Kebab<T extends string, A extends string = ""> =
    T extends `${infer F}${infer R}` ?
    Kebab<R, `${A}${F extends Lowercase<F> ? "" : "-"}${Lowercase<F>}`> :

type Props = {
    cssProps: Kebab<keyof React.CSSProperties>[];

const Component = (props: Props) => null;

const App = () => (
  <Component cssProps={['min-width']} />

Check it out on the Typescript Playground

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